App Billing Is All About Options

When the mobile market first exploded onto the scene with Smart Phones, iTunes and the Android Marketplace the billing aspects of the app revolution were fairly simple. Apps were sold on a price per acquisition basis with customers making small payments of a few dollars for permanent full access ownership to the software they purchased. However as the market continues to mature, a far greater diversity of pricing plans and billing options is quickly coming to the forefront of the app billing business.

Games are now often opting for a ‘Freemium’ style billing plan that allows free download of the basic game functionality and requires periodic payments to obtain additional levels, resources or bonus content. Membership based software has also emerged with a recurring billing business model that reduces the cost of acquiring software and extends the profitability of each new customer acquired along the full length of the product life cycle. Perhaps most importantly, advances in areas of geo-targeting and mico-payments are allowing developers to price their products while giving credence to the individual price point best suited to each potential customer.

The modern app market can still be monetized with simple ‘per purchase’ billing as a stand-alone method of receiving payment, but developers are quickly learning that the right billing partner can make a world of difference. By it’s very nature, the app billing market is a massive audience interested in making innocuous payments for luxury services and entertainment. has years of experience in the payment processing and mobile development marketplace. Our experts are able to improve your bottom line by maximizing the efficiency of every sale, reducing the associated costs and improving the palatability of your pricing method to significantly enhance your conversion ratios and upgrade your bottom line revenue. Contact us today to learn more!

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